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  • Zoho Creator Partners

    Develop tailored solutions to optimise business processes

    A platform for low-code app development that facilitates the creation of custom, mobile-ready applications. Build bespoke apps to automate workflows, streamline internal processes, and manage databases with ease.

What Is Zoho Creator?

This stands as a powerful application development platform, offering individuals and businesses the capability to craft custom applications without the requirement for coding expertise. Our team at Digital Scientists, serving as Zoho consultants, recognises the platform's user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop functionality, enabling users with varying levels of coding experience to streamline processes and construct tailored applications to address business requirements.

Click the sections below to expand features


Custom Applications

Create custom applications without the need for writing complex lines of code. With a user-friendly interface, businesses can easily define desired processes and seamlessly integrate them into their services.

Native Mobile Apps

This feature provides businesses with the means to create a seamless mobile experience by using the automatic generation of a mobile app. By utilising this functionality, businesses can extend their services to mobile platforms, enhancing data accessibility.

Online Portals

Online portals are crucial for streamlining company processes. By centralising all necessary data in one easily accessible location, these portals provide employees with a centralised hub for efficient information management.

No Code AI

For businesses seeking to develop robust applications, using the built-in AI resources is required. By integrating this functionality into the development process, businesses can create an application capable of analysing trends, predicting sales, and even responding to user interactions, all without the need for coding expertise.

Data Migration

To enhance data analysis capabilities, businesses should consider implementing data migration. This process involves consolidating all of the business's data into a single centralised location, which facilitates easier access, improved usability, and the extraction of valuable insights and statistics.

Data Merging

Before commencing any data analysis, it's vital to merge the datasets into a unified database. This consolidation step ensures that all relevant data is amalgamated into a single repository, facilitating comprehensive and efficient data exploration.

Enhance Old Systems

Rather than discarding outdated and inefficient systems from the past, businesses are offered a transformative solution through the modernisation and enhancement of these systems to meet contemporary standards.

Data Enrichment

Effectively organising a new database requires implementing data enrichment. Through this process, businesses can remove unnecessary data, refine inconsistent entries, and eliminate redundant information that may compromise the integrity of the database.

Custom Integrations

When developing an application, businesses should leverage integration capabilities. These features enable businesses to seamlessly connect various applications and social media platforms to their workflows, ensuring that their systems have all the necessary services for smooth operation.


Data Modeling Tools

Data modeling tools play a critical role in analysing data and revealing valuable trends. Working behind the scenes, these tools efficiently manage back-end processes, enabling businesses to extract insights from their data.

Data Collection

There are several methods to gather data from users, and one of the most effective approaches is through forms. Businesses can design custom forms with fields tailored to their specific requirements, ensuring they collect the necessary data.

Visual Relationships

By collecting data through forms, businesses can analyse relationships between the data and evaluate their impact. This functionality allows businesses to gain insights into the interactions between different data elements.

Data Visualisation Software

Leverage the data visualisation capabilities to analyse important data through robust graphs and charts. With this feature, businesses can identify crucial trends and make decisions more efficiently.

Custom Dashboards

For comparing gathered data, dashboards are recommended. These are customisable and can be tailored to meet specific search criteria. By utilising dashboards, businesses can efficiently analyse and compare data to ensure it meets their needs.

Data Fields

Data fields are essential for data collection as they define the information that is gathered. Businesses can utilise various types of data fields in a form. This wide range of field options enables them to collect and organise data according to their specific business needs.

Automated Processes

This feature provides businesses with the capability to achieve full automation with minimal coding. By utilising this, businesses can automate even their simplest processes, ensuring they remain streamlined and efficient with simplified workflows.

Reduce Repetitive Tasks

To alleviate the time-consuming nature of routine and repetitive tasks, businesses are provided with the ability to automate such tasks by creating workflows. These workflows outline the necessary actions, automating them on behalf of the business.


Blueprints are an invaluable feature that greatly assists in designing processes or programs. With visual blueprints, teams can effectively plan and map out the sequence of events that will unfold when specific triggers occur through user interaction.

Actionable Notifications

To ensure smooth operations within businesses, they can schedule notifications triggered by specific events. These notifications serve various purposes, such as alerting about unanswered support tickets, contributing to streamlined workflows and efficient task management.

Automated Approvals

To streamline the approval process, it's highly recommended to implement automated approvals. By integrating automated approval workflows, employees can easily request approvals for their work, simplifying the process and accelerating turnaround times.  


Personalised Experiences

Deliver personalised user experiences in custom-built applications by leveraging this feature. With this functionality, businesses can craft tailored experiences for each user, ensuring that individual preferences are remembered and catered to within the application.

Customisable UI/UX

Equipped with a user-friendly UI/UX builder, businesses can streamline the process of creating user experiences without the need to start from scratch or deal with complex coding. With its intuitive interface, businesses can easily design and customise experiences to meet their specific needs.

Language Accessibility

In the development of processes or applications, businesses possess the flexibility to customise them according to the user's language or other preferences, thereby ensuring a personalised experience. This capability enables businesses to cater to individual preferences effectively.

Branded Apps

Tailor any constructed custom application with the branding of the business, ensuring that the app is personalised and aligned with the business identity for a more professional presentation.


Secure Data

Stringent security protocols are implemented to safeguard any stored data, ensuring compliance with all data privacy laws and providing the highest level of protection.

Secure Cloud Environments

By leveraging a highly secure cloud environment, businesses can be confident that their operations and data are safeguarded within a robust cloud infrastructure system.

Individual Prefereneces

Ensuring user security is paramount, which is why users maintain full control over their data. They can rest assured that their data will never be sold or compromised, guaranteeing the highest level of privacy and protection.

Business & Regulations

Adhering to industry regulations is vital, as is ensuring transparency through established protocols and policies. With certifications from ISO/IEC, businesses can trust that their applications effectively and securely store data.

Governance Tools

Governance tools empower businesses to have complete control over every aspect of an application, ranging from its structure and design to its security measures. With these tools, businesses can shape the application exactly as they envisioned it.

App Lifecycle

Businesses have the power to take control of their application and define its structure according to their business requirements. For instance, they can leverage features like audit trails to track activities and gain insights into potential issues.

Access Controls

Access controls enable businesses to determine access based on privileges assigned to different types of employees, such as developers. These access controls provide a level of control, allowing them to manage user access to the app.


Enterprise Wide Deployment

Deploy applications effortlessly through an industry-standard solution. With just a single click, users can distribute their applications to the Mobile Device Management platform of their choice.

Server-Less Developing

Developers can now enjoy a hassle-free experience, free from the burdens of server maintenance. All data is securely stored within a reliable cloud infrastructure, allowing developers to focus on their core tasks without worrying about server management.

On-Premise Apps

When deploying an application, businesses have the flexibility to choose between launching it on-premise or in the cloud. With this choice, they retain complete control over the infrastructure and any critical mission data collected. 

Self-Service Portals

Deploying portal applications to employees or stakeholders offers several benefits, such as centralising data storage in a single knowledge base. This consolidation simplifies data management and ensures easy access to information from any location. 

Mobile Device Management

By integrating Mobile Device Management into an app, businesses gain the ability to deploy apps to a diverse user base, even across different operating systems. This integration ensures a smooth deployment process without encountering any issues.


Manage Apps From Ideation

Create applications and effectively manage them across multiple versions and staged environments. This strategy enables businesses to iterate, refine, and enhance the design until they achieve a final version that aligns with their requirements.

Collaborative Development

The multi-developer feature proves to be invaluable when developers need to collaborate on the same section of an application. This feature facilitates seamless teamwork, enabling developers to work together on a task for the app.

Logical Structure

Illustrate connections among form fields, enabling businesses to comprehend the interdependencies between each field and how they influence the application's workflow.


Make use of the integrated Software Development Kit (SDK) which provides a diverse selection of UI styles and customisation features for applications. The SDK also offers style recommendations to ensure uniformity and aesthetic appeal throughout apps.

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+ 1 Hour of Free Support.

Give Zoho Creator a go yourself. As a bonus, we will throw in one hour of free consultation support to get you up and running if you need any assistance.

Step 1: Register and Try Our Apps

Simply press the button below and register for immediate access to all Zoho Creator has on offer.

Step 2: Book Your Discovery Call

During our call, we will immediately resolve any query or issue you may have. This can include any coding requirements.

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How Creator Helps You

Application Creator

This service serves as an invaluable platform for businesses, boasting an array of impressive capabilities, with application creation taking center stage. Leveraging low-code solutions, it empowers users to construct an array of applications, tailor-made to address specific processes and tasks.

Analytics Dashboard

Harness the power of rich data analytics through the creation of comprehensive analytics dashboards within built applications. These dashboards provide a centralised hub for all data, allowing teams to conduct in-depth analysis and uncover valuable trends and patterns.

Analytics Dashboard

Harness the power of rich data analytics through the creation of comprehensive analytics dashboards within built applications. These dashboards provide a centralised hub for all data, allowing teams to conduct in-depth analysis and uncover valuable trends and patterns.

Automate Processes

Significant amounts of time within business operations are often dedicated to working on various business processes. Using the blueprint creator, businesses can define how a process should operate tailoring their services to what they require, streamlining the whole operation.

Zoho Creator Partners

What Can We Do For You?

Embarking on the journey through this application may appear challenging for businesses initially, but with our team at Digital Scientists, navigating this platform becomes a well-supported and guided process. As adept Zoho developers, we specialise in crafting bespoke Zoho solutions that empower businesses to harness their full potential. Leveraging our expertise, we assist businesses in building essential applications, automating processes, and optimising efficiency.
Our Expertise
In our role as trusted Zoho partners, our team brings profound expertise. We excel in leveraging this platform to craft custom applications precisely aligned with the unique requirements of businesses. Our commitment lies in delivering applications that cater to specific business needs, ensuring businesses have precisely tailored processes for optimal operations.
App Creator
Leveraging our expertise as top Zoho app developers, the Digital Scientists team excels in crafting tailored business solutions that streamline essential processes. Our approach harnesses the user-friendly application development software within the platform. Additionally, our proficiency extends to deploying these solutions on the Zoho cloud, ensuring accessibility and convenience. Mobile applications are seamlessly generated, empowering teams to access and utilise these solutions while on the move.
Integration Creator

Beyond developing custom business applications, our teams, including skilled Zoho developers, excel in seamlessly integrating third-party applications into the Zoho ecosystem. This includes popular application suites like Google and Microsoft, enabling businesses to leverage their preferred applications alongside Zoho's suite. Our adept team utilises the platform's robust workflow capabilities to create cohesive and streamlined integrations between these services, ensuring a seamless experience across applications.

Business Processes
As Zoho developers, our team excels in utilising workflows to design automated business processes customised to specific business requirements. This time-saving approach automates tasks that were previously manual and labor-intensive. Leveraging the user-friendly workflow blueprints, our team can precisely define and automate instructions for each process, streamlining tasks such as approvals and email responses. This ensures greater efficiency in business operations.
Business Intelligence and Analytics
Our Digital Scientists team is adept at utilising the software to derive valuable business intelligence. Through robust decision-making capabilities, our team can harness this platform to generate in-depth business analytics. These insights empower us to make informed recommendations and strategise the next steps that can bring long-term benefits to organisations. We can expedite the data analysis process, crafting comprehensive data dashboards within minutes for quick and insightful decision-making.

Zoho Creator Queries

Is Zoho Creator Free?
It extends a 15-day free trial period, allowing businesses to explore the user-friendly features of the platform. Should they find it impressive, there are three subscription options to consider. The first option is the Standard plan, which grants businesses the ability to create a single application with their branding and personalisation. They can employ workflows to establish app rules. However, the Standard plan does not support integration with 3rd party applications. Moving up to the Professional tier, businesses enjoy the advantage of unlimited applications and a substantial increase in custom schedules, raising the limit from the standard 50 to 300. For those looking for advanced features, the highest tier, Enterprise, offers unlimited applications and the coveted ability to seamlessly integrate their applications with 3rd party applications beyond the Zoho Suite. Click here to read more.
Can Zoho Creator Create Gantt Charts?
A wide range of reports can be generated, including Kanban boards and pivot charts. Among these, Gantt Charts are a popular choice for planning timelines. To create one, Navigate to the "Design" section, then click "Create." Once here, users can select the "Report" option which will make a pop-up menu appear with various options, including "Pivot Chart", "Kanban" and even "Spreadsheets". However, for this "Timeline" should be chosen. Select the relevant dates that should be added to the report and then simply click "Create Report." To generate the Gantt chart ready for data input. Click here or here to read more.
How Do I View Generated IDs in Creator And Use Them For Approval Emails?
Each time a new record is entered, it's assigned a random ID by default, although this ID is not displayed. However, users can utilise this ID as needed. To start off the process, enter edit mode and navigate to "View" > "Display" > "Column Properties". Under the "Label Name" field, check the "ID" field. Then from here, navigate to "More Actions" > "Actions On Success" to open the script editor. Within the "To" field, add the email that the email should be sent to, and craft the email that should be sent to them. To ensure this works, add "+input.ID" to any section that requires the user's ID number. For example, "Your reference number is " + input.ID. Click here to read more.
Can I Import Excel Sheets Into Zoho Creator?

Importing Excel spreadsheets is a straightforward process., just follow these steps. To start, access "Edit Mode" and then create a form by heading to the "Design" page and clicking "Add New", making sure to select the "Form" option. After this, select "Import With Data" to initiate the process. From here, users can select the file format for the spreadsheet from 3 options:

  • Local Storage: This is for files stored on the device.
  • URL: Use a URL to reference the Excel file.
  • Cloud Service: Integrate a cloud service to access files.
Depending on the file's size, the upload may take some time. During this process, there is an "Access Application" option, allowing users to access a live view of the application. To check the status of the upload, click the "View Import Status" button. Once the file has been fully uploaded, users are free to view and utilise it. Click here to read more.
Can I Use JavaScript In Zoho Creator?
The use of most JavaScript functionalities is restricted due to security concerns, as JavaScript code can potentially be exploited for malicious purposes. However, a recent development involves the introduction of widgets with JavaScript functionalities. Widgets are essentially extension applications designed to enhance tasks that go beyond the scope of basic features. However, it's important to keep in mind that any JavaScript API used in your initial code will not be operational once the application is published. This is a security measure to ensure that the application's functionality remains secure and reliable. Click here to learn more.
How Do I Transfer A Creator Application?

Transferring applications is a simple process, akin to importing an Excel file. Begin by exporting the applications from the software. Access the application and select "Edit This Application." Then, navigate to "Settings" > "General Settings" and click on "Export Application." Save the exported application as a .ds file.

To import the application into another user's account, access the account and go to "Solutions." Choose "Create Solution," and select "Import From File" from the menu that appears, alongside "Create From Scratch" and "Create From Gallery." Upload the application .ds file, and once it completes loading, the transfer is successful. Click here to learn more.

Creator Integrations

Zoho Apps
The software effortlessly integrates with other Zoho applications like Zoho CRM, to automate and streamline lead generation efforts. Similarly, through integration with Zoho Books and Zoho Invoice, businesses can automate invoice creation and effortlessly manage their finances using built applications. Furthermore, Zoho Creator collaborates with Zoho Analytics to analyse gathered data and transform it into comprehensive reports, offering valuable insights for businesses. With our team of expert Zoho developers at Digital Scientists, these integrations can be executed with precision and ease.
Zoho CRM
Zoho Sites
Zoho Books
Zoho Analytics
Zoho Invoice
Zoho Desk
Zoho Recruit
Zoho Flow
Exterior Apps
The platform offers a comprehensive range of integrations, extending beyond just Zoho applications, and we, as Zoho integration partners, specialise in optimising these connections for businesses. It seamlessly connects with widely used services. For instance, it integrates with Google Workspace, enabling seamless document and project storage. This integration ensures that all essential services are seamlessly linked together for streamlined operations. Moreover, it can integrate with finance applications like QuickBooks, simplifying financial tracking. It also collaborates with payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe, facilitating smooth client payments, and so many more integrations.
Google Suite
Quick Books
Google Calendar
Sales Force
SMS Magic

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Try Zoho Creator Today. 

We are also offering one hour of free consultation support to get you up and running if you need any assistance.

Step 1: Register and Try Our Apps

Simply press the button below and register for immediate access to all Zoho Creator has on offer.

Step 2: Book Your Discovery Call

During our call, we will immediately resolve your query or issue.

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