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  • Zoho Marketing Automation Partners

    Simplify business marketing operations

    A comprehensive marketing automation solution designed to manage leads, analyse audience online activity, and personalise content based on user interactions.

What Is Marketing Automation?

As Zoho consultants, we understand the power of streamlining and automating marketing processes, simplifying the management and analysis of vast amounts of data. This tool allows businesses to do all that and more, consolidating all their statistics into a centralised dashboard, providing a comprehensive view of their performance.

Click the sections below to expand features

Lead Management
Sign-Up Forms
Multichannel Marketing
Campaign Planning
Lead Management

Capture Leads

Capturing leads stands as a paramount objective for businesses, considering that these potential customers serve as the backbone of companies. However, generating leads can pose challenges without support. One effective method to acquire leads involves integrating features like sign-up forms on web pages, allowing users to input their information for analysis.

Keep Leads Engaged

Building a robust rapport with potential customers hinges on keeping them engaged with the brand. By offering informative, personalised, and relevant content in the form of pop-ups, businesses can sustain the interest of leads and potentially encourage them to sign up on forms.

Pick Based On Engagement

Lead scoring is a pivotal process for assessing lead quality by analysing their engagement levels. By implementing lead scoring, businesses can categorise leads according to their behavior and assign corresponding scores. This approach aids in identifying leads that are primed for further pursuit.

Deliver The Best Leads

To enhance the productivity of sales teams, it's vital to ensure they are prioritising the most promising leads. By analysing lead scores and identifying potential prospects, businesses can streamline their sales efforts and direct resources where they are most likely to yield results.

Know Your Leads

Monitoring leads from their first interaction is important for businesses to understand their audience's preferences and actions on their website. By utilising this information, businesses can discern the preferences of individual leads and categorise them with other like-minded leads.

Sign-Up Forms

Web Behaviour Tracking

Analyse the interactions of leads across a business website, from the content they download to the pages they visit. This data enables businesses to gain insights into user behaviour and tailor their website to better meet customer needs.

In-App Tracking

Understand how users navigate through the product, whether it's a website or application. Identify the features they utilise, their progression from one section to another, and their time spent on the application to gain deeper insights into user behaviour and preferences.

Design A Flow

With this tool, businesses can leverage a customisable platform to design and construct their own marketing workflows. This feature empowers businesses to craft tailored marketing campaigns aimed at specific users, aiding in driving engagement, gathering additional insights, or updating lead scores.

See How They Perform

Monitoring a lead's journey from start to finish provides a deeper insight into their behaviour, allowing businesses to track their progress and optimise their experience accordingly. This ensures that businesses can assist leads throughout their journey more effectively.
Multichannel Marketing

Email Marketing

Email marketing serves as a potent tool for nurturing relationships with leads over time. By segmenting leads into distinct groups, businesses can craft personalised emails tailored to each group. These emails, which may include newsletters, updates, and relevant content, are sent regularly to website subscribers, ensuring that different segments of leads remain engaged and well-informed.

SMS Marketing

Utilising this feature, businesses can leverage SMS messaging capabilities via popular SMS platforms like Twilio SMS API and Clickatell. These messages can be tailored and directed to specific segments of the mobile audience, aiming to elicit their engagement and drive traffic to the website, especially in the context of promotions or events.

Social Media Marketing

In the contemporary digital landscape, social media marketing stands as a cornerstone of any effective marketing approach. Harnessing the power of prominent social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, businesses can broaden the scope of their promotional content. With the ability to publish across multiple social media channels simultaneously, they can ensure widespread engagement with their audience.
Campaign Planning

Set Objectives

Achieving a successful campaign hinges on meticulous planning. Begin by assessing which medium—be it social media or email—best resonates with the target audience. Next, clearly delineate the demographics of the intended audience for the marketing efforts, designate collaborators for the project, and meticulously strategise the entirety of the marketing endeavor from within this single service.

Cost VS Profit

For each established goal, businesses have the option to define a milestone to monitor progress and gauge returns on investment (ROI). This allows businesses to calculate the cost per activity, trim superfluous expenses, and attain full oversight of their ROI.

Lead Insights

Lead insight analytics is a tool that enables businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their lead generation strategies. By analysing data on the number of leads generated over a period of time, businesses can identify which tactics are the most effective.

Lead Attribution Reports

Lead attribution reports offer insights into campaign effectiveness, providing a clearer picture. Evaluate key performance indicators to identify strengths and weaknesses, enabling optimisation and improvement strategies.

List-Based Reports

List-based reports are a valuable tool as they provide insights into the effectiveness of their email campaigns. These reports enable businesses to compare different mailing lists, analyse the engagement levels of each list, and identify active and inactive lists. 

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+ 1 Hour of Free Support.

Give Zoho Marketing Automation a go yourself. As a bonus, we will throw in one hour of free consultation support to get you up and running if you need any assistance.

Step 1: Register and Try Our Apps

Simply press the button below and register for immediate access to all Zoho Marketing Automation has on offer.

Step 2: Book Your Discovery Call

During our call, we will immediately resolve any query or issue you may have. This can include any coding requirements.

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How Marketing Automation Helps You

Generate and Nurture Leads

The process of collecting and aggregating leads stands as a fundamental pillar for businesses, providing the groundwork for nurturing enduring customer relationships. In this context, this service emerges as a powerful tool, equipping businesses with the means to efficiently amass leads through meticulously crafted landing pages, user-friendly signup forms, and strategically executed multichannel campaigns.

Campaign Planning

Lead acquisition is vital for businesses for creating campaigns to attract users to their domains. This platform serves as a valuable resource in this endeavour, enabling businesses to plan and assess their marketing. With this software, businesses can proactively map out their campaigns, establish well-defined objectives, fine-tune budget allocations, and outline the specific tasks that need to be executed during each campaign phase.

Campaign Planning

Lead acquisition is vital for businesses for creating campaigns to attract users to their domains. This platform serves as a valuable resource in this endeavour, enabling businesses to plan and assess their marketing. With this software, businesses can proactively map out their campaigns, establish well-defined objectives, fine-tune budget allocations, and outline the specific tasks that need to be executed during each campaign phase.

Convert Leads

While leads are valuable in their own right and contribute to business growth, their potential is fully realised when they are successfully converted into customers. This service offers a pathway to achieve this conversion. Leveraging the wealth of data accumulated by the business when gathering leads, companies can evaluate the prospects and potential of each lead, ensuring that the leads that are gathered are the most valuable.

Marketing Automation Partners

What Can We Do For You?

As authorised Zoho partners, we acknowledge that this platform might pose a challenge for beginners or those less technologically inclined. However we are well-equipped to guide and support businesses effectively. With an in-depth understanding of the tool, our team is adept at helping businesses efficiently gather and nurture valuable leads, ensuring they capitalise on the full potential of the service.
Our Expertise
In our role as Zoho partners, the proficient team at Digital Scientists excels in leveraging the complete spectrum of Zoho applications. Drawing on our extensive experience and expertise, we specialise in tailoring these applications to align seamlessly with the unique requirements of businesses. For example, we skillfully configure and execute targeted marketing campaigns, efficiently gathering and nurturing leads. Furthermore, our adept team supports businesses in the crucial task of lead assessment, ensuring a focus on the most promising and valuable prospects.
Lead Generation
We are well-equipped to empower businesses with the lead generation they require for an efficient marketing system. Whether through the creation of tailored landing pages or the execution of multichannel marketing campaigns, our team can deliver valuable insights and fresh leads, facilitating a streamlined and highly effective lead generation process that surpasses conventional methods.
Lead Nurturing
In addition to lead generation, our team excels at lead nurturing for businesses. To enhance campaign conversion rates, it's essential to automate the lead nurturing process, ensuring that leads are engaged in a timely and personalised manner. By entrusting our team to automate this process using workflows, we can establish automatic and tailored messages that are delivered to leads through the most suitable communication channels.
Lead Conversion
The platform simplifies lead conversion with the click of a button, but our team takes it a step further by leveraging the insightful analysis reports it generates. With these reports, we gain valuable insights into the performance of different campaigns. This knowledge empowers us to identify the most effective campaigns for lead generation and allows us to fine-tune our strategies to specifically target those areas.
Campaign Planning
Our team excels in devising strategic marketing campaigns for businesses. With the built-in marketing planner, we gain a comprehensive overview of all ongoing marketing processes within a business. This vantage point enables us to plan and execute campaigns that not only enhance return on investment but also efficiently generate valuable clients, which are crucial for a business's growth and success.

Marketing Automation Queries

Is Zoho Marketing Automation Free?

Yes, the service offers a free trial, providing businesses with access to its fundamental features. However, subscribing to a paid plan opens the door to a wealth of additional capabilities. The standard plan, for instance, provides access to a fundamental journey builder, and integration with over 40 other applications. The professional plan unlocks an advanced journey builder, enhanced lead segmentation capabilities, and a marketing planner. At the highest tier, the enterprise plan, businesses can enjoy the full-featured journey builder for Marketing Automation, pop-up functionality, and advanced lead attribution. These represent just a few of the numerous features awaiting businesses. Click here to learn more.

What Is The Difference Between Marketing Automation and Campaigns?

There are a few differences that separate Zoho Campaigns from Marketing Automation. Zoho Campaigns primarily functions as an email marketing tool designed for sending marketing emails through mass mailing processes. In contrast, the marketing application serves as a comprehensive multichannel marketing tool that empowers businesses to engage with customers across a range of communication channels.

Why Can't I Sync Marketing Automation With Zoho CRM?
During the integration process of Zoho CRM, users might encounter a pop-up message that reads "Organisation already integrated." While this error can be initially perplexing, it is straightforward to address. The reason behind this message is that Zoho CRM can integrate with Zoho Campaigns too, but not simultaneously. To resolve this error, users need to make a choice between using either Zoho Campaigns or Marketing Automation, and proceed with integrating the selected application accordingly.
How Do I Delete Multiple Leads At A Time?
The service provides the capability to delete up to 200 leads at a time, but for a more streamlined process, businesses can utilise Journeys. To achieve this, businesses should follow these steps:
  1. Choose the mailing list from which leads should be deleted.

  2. Within the Journey builder, use if/else statements to establish specific criteria that leads must meet. If they meet the conditions, they will proceed through the journey; otherwise, they will be deleted.

  3. Apply the "delete from list" function within the Journey. This function will automatically remove all leads that meet the specified conditions from the chosen list.

Click here to learn more.

How Do I Remove Leads From Journeys?
Eliminating leads from Journeys is a straightforward procedure. Within the Journey builder, there is a designated section known as "Ejection Criteria." This criteria sets the conditions that a lead could have. If a lead satisfies these conditions, they will be ejected from the Journey, and any changes made to their records within that specific Journey will also be kept. Click here to learn more.
Do Journeys Adhere To GDPR?
In short, yes, they do comply with GDPR guidelines. GDPR statuses are managed at an individual contact level. This means that if users have not provided consent, those leads will not be included in any email communications sent through the tool. This ensures that businesses using the platform adhere to the requirements of GDPR regarding user consent and data privacy.

Marketing Automation Integrations

Zoho Apps
The service offers seamless integration with various other Zoho applications, enhancing its capabilities and expanding its utility for businesses. Our Zoho implementation specialists ensure that it integrates seamlessly with Zoho Commerce, facilitating the creation of online stores that not only track leads through their purchase journeys but also employ customised lead nurturing campaigns to follow up with potential customers. Moreover, it seamlessly integrates with Zoho Backstage, where businesses can harness the power of events to fuel their marketing campaigns, enabling the expansion of their user base and, consequently, the gathering of more leads. Additionally, the integration with Zoho Creator enables the seamless transfer of leads to Creator, where an effective engagement plan can be crafted using blueprints and workflows.
Zoho Commerce
Zoho Forms
Zoho Analytics
Zoho Meeting
Zoho Backstage
Zoho Survey
Zoho Recruit
Zoho Invoice
Zoho Creator
Zoho Books
Social Media
The service seamlessly integrates with various social media platforms, expanding its outreach and lead generation capabilities. For instance, it connects with Facebook, allowing for the creation of lead-generation forms that enable businesses to generate leads directly from Facebook and seamlessly transfer them for active engagement. Additionally, the integration with X empowers businesses to schedule their posts on the platform and gain insights into post engagement, facilitating the analysis of potential leads. The integration with LinkedIn opens up opportunities for businesses to share their campaigns with a wider audience of clients, reaching out to a diverse user base and acquiring new leads for active engagement.
Engagement stands as a cornerstone of the platform, as it plays a pivotal role in lead generation. An effective way to enhance customer engagement is by integrating the platform with services like Twilio, Clickatell, Message Media, or SMS Magic. These integrations enable businesses to actively connect with their customers through instant text messages, fostering interactions that are crucial in nurturing leads and establishing a solid foundation for customer relationships.
Message Media
SMS Magic
CRM Applications
Integrating CRM systems such as Salesforce or Zoho CRM is pivotal to ensuring that businesses can manage and nurture leads with utmost efficiency. This seamless integration with CRM applications simplifies lead management processes and facilitates the conversion of leads into loyal customers. This enhancement in operational efficiency significantly boosts overall productivity. At Digital Scientists, we leverage our expertise to provide these services, helping businesses streamline their marketing and lead generation activities for maximum effectiveness.
Sales Force
Zoho CRM
Cloud Storage
Expanding the pool of leads within the system can be achieved through integration with popular cloud storage solutions like OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox. This integration empowers businesses to seamlessly import their contacts from these applications into their Marketing Automation system, effectively tracking them as leads. This strategic approach enables businesses to gather vital data and statistics on potential clients, enhancing their ability to plan and execute targeted marketing strategies.
Google Drive
Other Apps

Numerous other applications can be seamlessly integrated to further enhance functionality. These integrations encompass a wide range of services, including: Office 365 that provides the ability to track campaign details using its built-in calendar functionality, facilitating efficient campaign management and scheduling, PayPal which enables the automatic import of users who have made purchases from your business, effortlessly adding them as leads in your Marketing Automation system and Survey Monkey that allows businesses to effortlessly send surveys to clients and leads, providing valuable insights that can propel the business forward and enhance customer engagement.

Office 365
Survey Monkey
Go To Webinar
Event Brite

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Try Zoho Marketing Automation Today. 

We are also offering one hour of free consultation support to get you up and running if you need any assistance.

Step 1: Register and Try Our Apps

Simply press the button below and register for immediate access to all Zoho Marketing Automation has on offer.

Step 2: Book Your Discovery Call

During our call, we will immediately resolve your query or issue.

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